Quarry Road Press is the home for the art and design of David Spohn. Featured here are galleries of book design, illustration and fine art prints, specifically solar plate etchings. My award winning design and illustrations have graced books for children and adults and have been published world wide. In my print studio, I create small hand pulled editions of my etchings and exhibit my work locally, regionally and nationally.
My themes have always come from the healing power of nature. I concentrate on elements of nature found in my immediate environment, a remnant area of maple-basswood forest in the St. Croix River Valley. Since 2013 I’ve been honored with four McKnight Fellowship for the Arts grant awards by the East Central Regional Arts Council for several series etchings, The Dragonfly Suite, Birds of the North Woods, Butterflies and Moths from Home, and Flora of the St. Croix Valley, all visual studies of life forms around my home and surrounding woods and wetlands. Previously, I was awarded a Blacklock Nature Sanctuary Artist Fellowship as well as an Artist at Pine Needles residency by the St. Croix Watershed Research Station at Marine on St. Croix, MN. I also enjoy being a part of Project Art for Nature, a collaboration of artists and artist/scientists and educators who work together, focusing their art on individually chosen areas of land, ecosystems and species in need of protection.
Contact: spohnhouse@frontiernet.net