via norsez


David Spohn

I have been drawing and making books all my life. As an art director, book designer, writer and illustrator, I have created or helped create hundreds of books and educational publications. This includes the writing and illustrating children's books of my own.

I have also been a printmaker for many years, making etchings for over fifty years. My studio blends technologies new and old. Next to an iMac computer is a gracefully aging Sturges etching press on which I hand print editions of my solar plate etchings.

Raised in Chicago, I have lived and worked in Illinois, California, Iowa and finally Minnesota, where I have lived for the past fifty years. Through my books and prints, my artistic goal has been to honor the quiet beauty of nature. My work concerns the small spaces in our natural world, and the simple stories that make our world a better place to live. What I have always loved about creating books and editions of prints is that they are media through which art can be shared.